December | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By Aileen Mansfield BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Aileen Mansfield BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all Look out the window and wait for snow to fall,
But when it does I feel as if time is frozen,
And life is stuck in slow motion,
I turn my head to one side and see kids laughing and running towards the window,
We Cheer when the snow starts to stick to the ground,
I turn my head to the opposite direction,
My teacher is running in circles,
Laughing and Yelling “It’s snowing! It’s snowing”,
I feel joyful watching the snowflakes falling faster every minute,
Then my homeroom teacher tells everyone to sit down,
As I try to listen to the lesson,
My mind is elsewhere,
It’s outside running through the snow making a snowman,
Everything stops and so do I,
I hear the bell and life goes back to normal,
Life itself wasn’t frozen,
Only I was,
My mind was,
I was simply daydreaming,
That’s all it was,
just a daydream .

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