When I Found You | Teen Ink

When I Found You

May 11, 2013
By TinySoldier SILVER, Pasadena, Maryland
TinySoldier SILVER, Pasadena, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've got a jar of dirt" or "Why is the rum always gone?" ~ Jack Sparrow

Before I met you the sun did not shine on my small part of the earth,
But when you entered my world, the sun shone brightly,
Lighting the darkness inside my heart,
That was when I knew that I could only ever fall for you.
After meeting you for the first time,
I would lie awake at night thinking about you,
Because my reality, was far better than any fantasy could ever be,
And you are better than any dream I could ever have.
My love for you, all else is nothing.

Words can never describe how I feel towards you,
I could say how much I truly love you,
But the words I love you,
Those three words just simply do not describe what it is that I feel towards you,
They’ve been used to much on failed relationships and on people that didn’t deserve to hear them, Those three words have became much too weak to describe my feelings for you,
I need more than words to show I feel; that my love for you is real.
You see love is as much of an object as an obsession,
Everyone wants it, everyone seeks is, but few ever can achieve it,
And those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, can never forget it.
That is why I feel so lucky, because I found my true love when I found you.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to the man I love, Zack

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