Disarmed by Expectation | Teen Ink

Disarmed by Expectation

May 5, 2013
By rray17 BRONZE, New York, New York
rray17 BRONZE, New York, New York
4 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Silver linings melt
into a haze of charcoal clouds,
waiting above my pillow,
blanketing the crowds.
Why did it distend,
and drip across the sky,
bleeding into the crevices
the dry valley of somber lies.
Oh passion, you are welcome
though you travel with all that you brought,

leaving here a list of words
and the air of what was lost.
She said she'd await your entrance
and taste the pavement cold.
One leg distorted.
Cascading hair of gold.
Perimeter, limit, border,
a frontier never seized.
Dissolved into nomansland,
she anticipates the breeze.

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