Easy and Complicated | Teen Ink

Easy and Complicated

April 29, 2013
By actingpassion BRONZE, Park City, Utah
actingpassion BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are too many quotes in history to pick one that perfectly represents a person's current status" - actingpassion

They said that it was easier,
to have a guy friend or two.
They said it was less drama,
and they wouldn’t hurt you.

That I believed,
that I knew,
the problem though,
was when I befriended you.

We broke the rules,
you and I,
most of them thought it was crazy,
to be best friends with a guy.

I told them it was pretty easy,
to be friends with you,
well... that was until,
the feelings grew.

They said it was easy,
that I knew,
but it’s hasn’t been simple,
since I fell for you.

I want to tell you
what I have to say,
how I feel for you,
how I’ve felt everyday.

But if I do,
it won’t be easy anymore,
and by telling you,
I risk what we’ve created.
You and me,
me and you,
and that’s something,
I never want to lose.

They said it was easy,
but that isn’t true,
it’s never been easy,
being in love with you.

The author's comments:
At the start of February, I wrote an endless amount of love poems about nonfictional and fictional relationships that I've seen and read about. This poem was inspired by a friend of mine who was put in the desolate "friend-zone" that several people fall into due to unrequited love. Having close friends that are guys and knowing their stories of close relationships with girls, I learned that it is common for this situation to take place, so I thought that it needed to be displayed. The hardships of having a best friend that you're also in love with, how it is both easy and complicated.

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