Running in Circles | Teen Ink

Running in Circles

April 27, 2013
By Anonymous

There are 7 billion people in this world; and counting. 7 billion. 7 billion friends, enemies, acquaintances to make. There are hundreds of countries. countless cultures. Millions of adventures nobody has even though of. So many things to do. Mountains to climb, oceans to dive. Waves to surf, breezes to glide. The skies the limit. And you know what else? You're not even limited to that. Public space travel, or heck you could be designing the adventures of the future. There's hope in this world. There's despair. There's bad things, things you can change There's good things. Things you want a part of. There's a world of things going on out there, just waiting for a few courageous souls. There are so many things to do.

But you know what?
You're not doing any of them.
Not a single one.
You're stuck. Doing the same thing 9-5 only to go home to little variety.
Nothing changes
Stuck in a loop.

Running in circles.

The author's comments:
First draft. Comments are much appreciated. Enjoy!

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