Pain Swells | Teen Ink

Pain Swells

April 24, 2013
By Cattie SILVER, Janesville, Wisconsin
Cattie SILVER, Janesville, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I think we dream so we don&rsquo;t have to be apart for so long. If we&rsquo;re in each other&rsquo;s dreams, we can be together all the time.&rdquo;<br /> ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

The lace slipped over her skin.
Fitting her frame,
Hugging her body.
It’s her big day,
Finally they were to be joined together,
And as the music starts,
Another confronts her.
Leans in,
And kisses her lips.
Her soul screams in protest,
She could see her love’s reaction:
For her,
For him…
She pushed it from her mind,
Hoping to still be happy.
But it isn’t to be,
As she walks toward him,
He turns,
Just walking away.
She reaches for him,
Falling short,
Just by inches.
Her heart is broken,
Her soul is broken...
It gets worse from there.
Her life spirals down,
Almost being sent into exile,
All the while she cries for him,
Her tears only on the inside,
For her eyes cannot leak anymore.
She is reminded about the day,
A year earlier,
Where she lost another love,
This one through death.
But still the pain does not numb.
She sees him often,
Her pain swells then...
He doesn’t seem to notice,
He is happy,
She believes he has already moved on,
Has he?
Is that why it was so easy to leave?
She can only guess.
For she knows,
It doesn’t matter,
She will forever remain heartbroken,
For no man would willingly love her,
Her problems are great,
And her soul is damaged.
He cannot hope to realize,
To what extent he hurt her.
Her family helps none,
For they do not know of it,
They condemn her for other reasons.
To them she is a lying snake.
She could die,
And they would rejoice.
Maybe she will die,
Just to show them,
Or she will revert,
Just to thwart them.
They mess with more than they know,
Her spirit falls,
Causing her body harm.
Constantly she is reminded about her mistakes.
She cannot live them down,
She cannot erase them.
She can only fall,
Down, Down, Down.
Down into her sorrows…
Where she will remain,
For the rest of time.

The author's comments:
I looked at a lot of heart break. Stories of people who lost people.. It hurts a lot.

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