High Flyer | Teen Ink

High Flyer

April 22, 2013
By Anonymous

High Flier

As I soar through the air
I see pain
The agony of the broken soldiers below
Some physically broke
Others mentally
I soar over some trenches
And see the red
The red in the eyes of the tired soldiers
The red blood that cakes the trench walls
The red streak from the bullet unleashed
Like a demon from hell
Meant to kill the enemy without knowing
What it will cause
The damage that will happen
A man that is no more
A wife without a loving husband
A mother with no son to hold
A child with no father to run to when they are dejected
But then I realise
I am no better
I may be only one
More likely not
The great damage I will cause
Sending my target to their grave
But it is not my fault
Nor the person who fired me
Not even the one who made me
It was the greed and anger of men not even here
And I will cause the damaging ripple
For when my shell hits the ground
It will be hell
And it be the end
For another.

The author's comments:
It is about World War 1

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