A Macbeth or Juliet | Teen Ink

A Macbeth or Juliet

April 12, 2013
By JenniferD BRONZE, Ridgeland, South Carolina
JenniferD BRONZE, Ridgeland, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Endure to the end.

What is Faith to him?
The thought of it dances in my head for hours.
What am I to him?
That question has been blank for an eternity.
Does he know enough to tell
if I'm a Macbeth or a Juliet?

Compare me with the crowd, ha
like if he even knows my name.
Call me cute or say that I'ma bit insane.
Does he even know my Alma?
Can he see through all this pain?
I'm surprised he hasn't yet been blinded.
But can he see enough to tell
if I'm a Macbeth or Juliet?

Some may think I'm unbeatable
Some may think I'm invisible, in where it's completely impossible for me to be seen.
But can he see enough to tell
if I'm a Macbeth or a Juliet?

I stand Victorious to see his lying lips be an abomination
but successfully fail to act as he.
Well that lying he
is sadly everything to me.

The author's comments:
This poem was written a while ago and it is actually one of my favorite pieces I have written. Thanks to this poem, I realized I should start writing more and express my feelings and life.

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