Believing | Teen Ink


April 11, 2013
By Brittany Boehning BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Brittany Boehning BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

God doesn’t exist
and there is no evidence.
He didn’t take 7 days
to create the world

Heaven is a place,
just to make people
feel better about dying.
Thinking they have somewhere
to go after they die.

The Bible isn’t true.
I would rather read
a book about evolution,
than that fiction nonsense.

I know people have their own beliefs:
They believe in God.
Church every Sunday
not missing one service.
They pray for everyone
who doesn’t believe.

Heaven is where they think,
they’ll go after they die.

They read the Bible.
They have either
a crisp new one
or an old, highlighted,
overused one.
I think they’re crazy

When you died though,
I know you believed.
In these crazy ideas,
of heaven and God.

Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church,
every Sunday until
you were sent to the
nursing home where
you took your last breaths.
That’s when I started to believe.

After you died, I believed.
Not for my own good
I needed to know
there was somewhere
for you to go after death

Now I’m back believing:
God’s not real.
Heaven doesn’t exist.
The Bible is fiction.

For that slight moment though,
I believed.
Just for you

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