chained | Teen Ink


March 31, 2013
By ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is a war

words that i know is
wrong to say yet my heart

still feels as if it's
still chained to him when
he smile it as if my
heart want to cry
because that smile is not mine
it belongs to another
i wonder if he can
see through mask i wear
around him or can
i fool him and everyone
Sept one and that person
is me i can still feel pain

as if it just happened yesterday if love is suppose to
be so painful why can't

my heart be took-en
out of me so i no longer
have to feel this or
take away my sight
so i no longer have see the face
that will torch-er me and

haunt me for who knows
how long he is the knife that
is stuck in my heart

that won't come out
as much as i want hate him
my heart stings whenever

i think of him
why must i wish for a dream
that won't happen but

won't ever go away
most call me stupid even
i call my own self
stupid but I'm stuck
why can't i cut myself
free from him

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