Love Poem #1 | Teen Ink

Love Poem #1

March 16, 2013
By Vinchenzo BRONZE, Fertile, Minnesota
Vinchenzo BRONZE, Fertile, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your beautiful smile is as a twinkling star
A beacon of guiding light seen from afar
Your eyes captivate my soul and I’m plunged into a dream
And all of a sudden my love is bursting out the seams
How I always dream of you and I together
To hold you tight and gaze into your eyes forever
I earnestly yearn to feel your gentle skin
To feel the warmth, to cradle you, to know it’s not a sin
I want to lay with your innocence next to mine
To cry, to laugh, to live with you until the end of time
The very presence of you gives my life meaning
You turn the deep darkness of despair into gorgeous gleaming
I want to know that you return this feeling
That me you’ll also search for and find
So I ask you in heartfelt desire, will you please be mine?

The author's comments:
This is a simple, generic love poem that celebrates the beauty of that special someone in your life.

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