"Another Victim" | Teen Ink

"Another Victim"

February 25, 2013
By Vinchenzo BRONZE, Fertile, Minnesota
Vinchenzo BRONZE, Fertile, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As he speaks words of revulsion and loathing
I look into his eyes and see the truth
Rather than a madman whose goal is to hurt
He’s nothing but just another mere victim
A victim not that different than I am
Another measly being enduring this place called Earth
This place where fairness and peace is not pertinent
He’s nothing but a human who’s trying to find his place
And in the vast world of hate his words are small
The tears show what’s truly inside of him
Not animosity or disgust as it may appear
What I see is in his eyes is confusion
The same confusion that puts us at war
That prevents us all from getting along
The mystification that shrouds the light of hope
The bewilderment of so many homeless souls
I hold back the resentment that consumes me
Instead I force myself to reveal a smile
A glimmer of hope to outdo the strife
And, unknowingly, he smiles back at me
He leaves a trace of unwanted sorrow
And I know things will be different tomorrow
What was said about the future war rings in my mind
It would indeed be fought with sticks and stones
But now, instead of stepping back from these words
I now know how to defeat them without revenge
And for many who yearn for an answer
I know that they will find this too

The author's comments:
I am a victim of bullying and can relate to the challenge of discerning whether the bully truly years to do you harm or if their behaviors are a mere outlet to release their emotions over their own personal struggles.

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