A Step to the Dark Side | Teen Ink

A Step to the Dark Side

December 23, 2012
By NerdyGlasses BRONZE, Matawan, New Jersey
NerdyGlasses BRONZE, Matawan, New Jersey
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn&#039;t know you left open<br /> -John Barrymore

Once upon a time I had a choice
There good and evil laid before me
With a wave of my wand I am beautiful
A little flick of a hand
I am whatever I want to be
I can dream, I can dance
And have innocence and love
Here I have the power of good
But then on the other side there is something else
Something dark and mysterious
There is also anger and betrayal
Which one to pick
Which path to choose
Do I go to a land of white and happiness
Or the land of black and truth
I know the path that I am destined to be in
It is calling me to come
There I go holding the dagger
And I drop the wand
Once upon a time I believed
Now that belief turned to dust
It has left me forevermore
I am greeted by the darkness
It surrounds me with glee
Now I found my way
Now I am free

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