From Childhood's Hour | Teen Ink

From Childhood's Hour

December 5, 2012
By OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the astronaut that is afraid of heights;
the star that hates dark, cloudless nights.
I see not what others perceive,
in this life or the next; I do not believe
this world is a kind one--
living, isn't supposed to be fun.
Before my dreams could even sprout,
they were cast upon with grim doubt.
My life under a large microscope--
filled with not even a drop of hope.
Not knowing the difference between pain
and love; what does one have to gain
by hurting another? All I wanted
was your approval; now I'm haunted
by your hate-filed glares
and desperate, failed prayers.
You abandoned me--left me for dead,
but my life is so much better instead.
After you walked out that door,
I saw my potential like never before.
You freed me from your chains
of hate; no more bruises and pains.
I do not believe in a God above,
but I'm starting to believe in something called love--
I am the astronaut that is afraid of heights;
the star that hates dark, cloudless nights.

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