Memories of You | Teen Ink

Memories of You

November 30, 2012
By meganbrichacek BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
meganbrichacek BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tears flow down,
Like rain striking the ground.
Every time I glimpse a picture of you,
My heart ruptures into two.
Oh, how the time went by fast,
I just want to see you at last,
But death picked you up, and threw you around,
And here I am again with tears on the ground.
Now all I have are memories galore,
And once again, tears hit the floor.
Although I miss you, and am feeling a bit blue,
I know I will one day see you.
Once I realize this, I start to come around,
And my tears are no longer on the ground.

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