Afraid Of Love | Teen Ink

Afraid Of Love

November 1, 2012
By Quisha BRONZE, Coldwater, Mississippi
Quisha BRONZE, Coldwater, Mississippi
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.<br /> <br /> - Maya Angelou

A thousand thoughts,
A million words,
Billions of sentences,
Still unsaid

Feelings spreading
Emotions leaking
Thoughts pounding
Through my head

Silent cries
Mysterious tears
Deafening silence
But beautiful pain

Lightening and thunder
Dusty storm
Crying out loud
Through Astonishing rain

Well an oxymoron cant explain
Neither can words
I trust those feelings
I hold in my heart

Time passes
But not fast enough
No matter what I'll do
We'll forever be apart

He changed,
But how could he change
On me
I was the one

The one for you
You only for my
You were the one

My love for you
Is like a dream
But without you
Is a scare

Running from my sleep
I rather not hurt myself & dream
Going to sleep afraid
Preparing for a nightmare

I'm So Afraid of Love

The author's comments:
Sometimes, you just get tired of trying. Time after time, you just want to give up. Well this is me saying, I give up. I'm tired of wasting much needed time. Especially, when I have a life prepared for me. I feel as if I am too young anyway. Love has no limit? Well, I just stopped.

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