memory'a you give me | Teen Ink

memory'a you give me

October 9, 2012
By Curtis24 BRONZE, Tustin, Michigan
Curtis24 BRONZE, Tustin, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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~Dont gain the orld and lose your soul wisdom is better than silver &amp; gold<br /> by:Zion Train

With tears of joy,
I see the small little silver shine
The thought of you giving it to me
With a smile on,
As you walk through the door
With a cling and a clang

You love me I see,
With that little bow on the box,
You gave to me.
As my heart pounds
Like a child banging on a box.
As the sun shines and the birds sing.

Its safe to say you’re such
A sweet thing. I love you, I do.
You’re always there for me,
Well I do.
As I shine, the world will too.

The author's comments:
it's about a object that was given to me that brought tears to my eyes from a special somebody

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