The Other Side | Teen Ink

The Other Side

September 15, 2012
By CharlotteDimo BRONZE, Schuylerville, New York
CharlotteDimo BRONZE, Schuylerville, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The air was uneasily quiet. 
The atmosphere,
Uneasily still. 
Only making the alarming inner thoughts scream louder.
Louder and louder though Shes the only one. 
The only soul who can understand,
This mentality of harming,
And killing. 
Of Incompleteness. 

What is that monster.
An evil presence, though eearily recognizable. 
Her face un-shown.

But I am drawn to her. 
An unknown, and never satisfied  lust,
For such a complete stranger. 
Who furthermore drew my unwillingness,
Though certain this would negatively end for the weaker prospect. 
It wasn't meant to be understood,
Just meant to be.

And as the distance lessened, 
the passion bred,
Into immediate competition. 

The violence commenced, 
The emotion had both numbed and magnified.
We were enemies,
We were opposites,
And we couldn't bear to harm each other,
Though our instincts now forced us. 

Forward she came,
Forward I went.
The loss of blood held nothing,
Nothing in comparison to the agonization,
Of the mental severity.
As she dropped,
My soul had broken and renewed. 

I loved her,
as reality hit my unknowingness,
I loved her,
Because I was her. 

The author's comments:
A complete internal struggle of killing off a part of your inner self and starting over. The passion and lust signifying the self love you can have for yourself, and the regret and violence signifying a part of yourself you don't want to let go of, but must.

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