Space Exploration | Teen Ink

Space Exploration

September 9, 2012
By littlebassoonist BRONZE, Mandevile, Louisiana
littlebassoonist BRONZE, Mandevile, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I am Meredith, and I am a writer.

i live life
without fingernails

grazing the Earth
with crescent moon
islands of skin

virgin, unexplored

an amplified
touch, ready for land

to disrupt the universe

inside the air and the

orbits of the dust,
to tickle my own cheek

on accident,
to crumble under the pain

of pointing too hard

like life
without a helmet

The author's comments:
I bite my fingernails. There is a small piece of skin at the tip of the finger that, for non-biters, is never exposed. This spot is sensitive to both pain and pleasure. Though it sometimes hurts, I can experience touch in a different, more exposed way.

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