Vestige | Teen Ink


August 22, 2012
By Merryman BRONZE, Moraga, California
Merryman BRONZE, Moraga, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
\&quot;We shall not cease from exploration <br /> And the end of all our exploring <br /> Will be to arrive where we started <br /> And know the place for the first time\&quot;<br /> <br /> \&quot;Snatching the eternal from the desperately fleeting is the great magic trick of human existence\&quot;

What is a vestige?
Moreover, who is the vestige?
How does one replenish a vestige
for it is no vessel forged of man
it is a cracked vessel
the ever-shifting cracks
tracing ever-shifting needs
mankind’s sacred urn
spilling out onto the grass
softly dampening grass
set fire to by the hand of those, frozen
under apathetic ice.
chilled to infertility by the hand of those, sweltering
under a humid vengeance.
The hand grasping tirelessly
As the suckling babe
Resolute as the sea star
Who, pounded against the slippery rock
Avoiding the ever-churning abyss
of intentions unknown
Reaches out for a constant hold
To perpetuate the ever-curling handle
On the imperfect pottery
Of the vestige

The author's comments:
Use this poem for your own interpretations, ask yourself what the vestige is.

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