Lonely Owl. | Teen Ink

Lonely Owl.

July 16, 2012
By MadamMae SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
MadamMae SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Never say good-bye because saying good-bye means going away and going away means forgetting.&quot; <br /> - Peter Pan

Upon a tree in a far away land, perched a lonely owl named Seth.
He always spoke of his remorse and death, over a old candle light he
once had fetched.
Never have loved, he wanted to break free.
To break free from the morbid nest he had settled in the high tops of an ancient tree.
He would puff his chest out and snickered about,
"Once I break free, I'll wipe off this pout. I'll stand up and scream. I'll scream,
Devote my life to the foreign land, plead for peace, plead for love. For the last
thing I wish to see, is a dying world with no faith and blood."
And off was he, he flew in a flash.
Spears and arrows all clashed, but the lonely owl flew to fulfill his dreams
that were yet to come true.

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