Tonight. | Teen Ink


June 8, 2012
By MadamMae SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
MadamMae SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Never say good-bye because saying good-bye means going away and going away means forgetting.&quot; <br /> - Peter Pan

Let the moon light the way.
Take my hand, for tonight we'll run far away.
Lay me down on a grassy hillside. May your voice be my only guidance.
Let my voice be your only virtue as we lay here peacefully.
Dream in a vivid slumber, we won't dream alone.
When dawn comes rolling in, let them find us.
Them meaning our parents, our guardians, maker of rules that imprison us.
This our last night together so let it be.
Thus meaning until we meet again, who knows where that may be.
Whether if it means we're miles away or worlds away, our love can never be broken.
Tonight the moon is young and so are we, living freely as we should be.
Take my hand once more and I'll show you how we can love until day breaks.

The author's comments:
Just life.

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