Dorothy in Oz | Teen Ink

Dorothy in Oz

June 18, 2012
By NerdyGlasses BRONZE, Matawan, New Jersey
NerdyGlasses BRONZE, Matawan, New Jersey
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn&#039;t know you left open<br /> -John Barrymore

Round and round
My world is going upside down
When I stop I am brighter than before
So is my dog, my friend and more
I feel so tall
Then a women in pink named Glinda comes in a bubble ball

I need to go home and I get some slippers
Life without my barn is like a dolphin without flippers
Following a road of yellow
I see a not so smart fellow
He will join in on my mission
To be smarter than crows and a pigeon
Then I see a man of tin who needs oil
He has no heart and wants to be loyal
The woods are scary
And the group sees a lion that is hairy
A lion, tin-man, and scarecrow
With me and my pal Toto

The wizard is a tricky soul
We have to melt a witch to reach our goal
The witch traps me, I am locked away
Luckily my new friends come to save the day
Scarecrow's arm turns bright orange and red
Then I throw some water and the witch is dead

The wizard is actually a regular guy
But he uses his smartness to help my friends by and by
Then the scarecrow has a brain
The tin man can love and feel pain
And the lion is brave
I am next then I feel like I'm in a small cave
I don't have to worry though
The wizard has an accessible balloon till the winds can blow

It seems like there is no hope
Then Glinda appears and I feel like a dope
I could have came home the whole time
I just had to say a few words that don't even rhyme
Those words were true as a city in Italy is Rome
There is no place like home!

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