Love Ain't Real | Teen Ink

Love Ain't Real

June 26, 2012
By OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
OneDayAsALion GOLD, Plattsburgh, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fairy tales and happy ever after is all just s***
Someone always gets hurt in the end
Some of the puzzle pieces just never fit
All those text messages you never actually send

All your feelings put into a few simple texts
No words can express how sophisticated feelings are
But yet words mean a lot more than anyone expects
How do things you can't feel leave such big scars?

If I shoot Cupid's arrows and miss
I'll be on the next rocket ship to mars
Just to avoid any of this
No more paper planes and chasing cars

No more laying around and waiting for the world to end
No I won't lay down and melt with you
Like those relationships that never mend
The ones that you know are over before they're through

There's only so far your back can bend
Before you end up snapped in two
There's only so long I can pretend
That I'm not constantly thinking about you.

The author's comments:
My best friend that I've known my entire life is also the love of my life, and I try to deny it every day, but every day my love for her grows, I wrote this for her, I hope she loves it as much as I love her.

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