where did it all go | Teen Ink

where did it all go

June 4, 2012
By ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is a war

Is my love for him not enough is it just a piece of paper he can just use whenever he wants. My heart aches and cry once the sweet dreams now are a nightmare. What happened to the days that i remember were they there or did i just imagine it in my head.The gift that once i though was mine no longer seems same as i use to see. The happy smile that once was mine no longer is smiling my way. They say let go of the past but I'm stuck on mute still unable to move on. They say he not worth my tear's yet it as if he knows the right ways. To bring me down to point where i close to break. I once would say he the one i would be with forever swept up in my love for him. Is my feelings blinding me from whats really going on. The sweet days are so hard to hold on to when they barely there. I wish he could turn back into the guy that stole my heart away. He had the rare trait that no one had in them but i can't see it. My heart is in pain each day trying hold on much as it can. The flame is being tested and its failing and all of it falling apart.

Where is the princes that once was mine?

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