Final Words | Teen Ink

Final Words

April 10, 2012
YouStandTallestWhenOnYourKnees SILVER, Tyler, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I&#039;m lost, scared, battered and broken,<br /> When my heart and emotions are left wide open,<br /> Love is reaching out to help me stand,<br /> And all a broken little girl like me has to do,<br /> Is grab His hand &lt;3

I'm searching for it.
But it's not there.
I'm desperately seeking.
And finding it nowhere.
I'm reaching for it,
To find it missing.
Hoping, praying, and wishing.

I'm searching not finding.
Dreaming not hoping.
Living but dieing.
Not happy but coping.

I'm trying to hold on to nothing.
Coming up empty.
I need something.
I'm drowning within me.

I'm searching not finding.
Dreaming not hoping.
Living but dieing.
Not happy but coping.

This is my cry,
My screaming plea.
My final words before I flee.
I'm off to my place where I find peace.
Where I make the connection of you and me.
Let's hope I make it.
If this goes on longer,
I just can't take it.

Okay, I've made it.
I'm safe now.
No one's around.
Here's my moment.

I'm searching not finding.
Dreaming not hoping.
Living but dieing.
Not happy but coping.

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