It's All You | Teen Ink

It's All You

April 10, 2012
YouStandTallestWhenOnYourKnees SILVER, Tyler, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I&#039;m lost, scared, battered and broken,<br /> When my heart and emotions are left wide open,<br /> Love is reaching out to help me stand,<br /> And all a broken little girl like me has to do,<br /> Is grab His hand &lt;3

How many times must I get here before you realize I can't take it?
How many more days do I have to smile and fake it?
How many more scars before you see what it's done to me?
How many more tears before you notice what I've come to be?
How many empty words can I say to you until you realize it's all a game?
How many more years will I have to conceal my pain?
How many more times will you act like it's not there?
How many instances will you act like you don't care?
How many times will I lie to your face?
How many times will I be a disgrace?
How many words will go unsaid?
How many thoughts will be spinning in my head?
How many times can I take it and not break?
How many people will see me as fake?
How many lies will cover the truth?
How many?
To make you realize, it'

The author's comments:
Sometimes you can be consumed by your internal battles. you just have to tell yourself that you're bigger than you because you are who you fight against.

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