Weak. | Teen Ink


April 11, 2012
YouStandTallestWhenOnYourKnees SILVER, Tyler, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I&#039;m lost, scared, battered and broken,<br /> When my heart and emotions are left wide open,<br /> Love is reaching out to help me stand,<br /> And all a broken little girl like me has to do,<br /> Is grab His hand &lt;3

It ends like this every night.
So sick and tired of it all.
Is this my version of a fight?
Is everything over when I fall?
I've bottomed out yet again.
I've hit the ground hard.
I'm struggling intensely within.
Its tearing me apart.
I can't make it through the day anymore.
I can't stay that strong.
Is it even worth fighting for?
When you kill yourself all along?

The author's comments:
Fight your fight. Stay strong. Don't give up.

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