Rag Doll | Teen Ink

Rag Doll

February 28, 2012
By jackel SILVER, Saint Peter&#39s, Missouri
jackel SILVER, Saint Peter&#39s, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't know why I keep denying him,maybe I'm just too afraid to admit it.
Or maybe I think that if I tell myself that's it's not true,
that my mind will begin to think that way.

I don't know why I'm so scared of the future,I have to think on the present.
But I always wonder if we could've had a life together,
I don't think that could ever happen though.

I don't know how he could ever like me,I'm the exact opposite of him.
Not in the yin and yang way though. I'm not perfect,
and that's what he's looking for.
A perfect ho.

I don't know how I ever felt that way,helpless and desperate. Always wanting more.
He controlled me. I was just his puppet.
His doll to toss and play around with.

Nothing was real. No fairytale ever happened.
My life was never changed.
My life never changed.
My life was pathetic, just like me.

I wish that for once I could have changed my life
and my world. But that will never happen!

And I don't know why...

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