Memories Left Behind | Teen Ink

Memories Left Behind

March 16, 2012
By Sally-Jane94 BRONZE, Plymouth, New Hampshire
Sally-Jane94 BRONZE, Plymouth, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only A life lived for others is a life worth while

Do we ever really forget one another?
I don’t, not really

In a world where our mark is left on everything,
Where you impact people in everything you do
Whether it be holding a door or saving someone’s life.

Where after you leave this world
You haunt people’s memories and dance in their dreams
Whether they want you to or not
Where they are thinking of you or not.

You leave a piece of you wherever you go,
People will always remember some part of you
Your laugh, your smile, your style…

That keeps you there forever in a way
Your memories will take you back
It will be like you never left at all

Do we ever really forget one another?
I don’t, not at all

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