Kumquat | Teen Ink


February 28, 2012
By Ohdang11 BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Ohdang11 BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It matters not how strait the gate,<br /> How charged with punishments the scroll.<br /> I am the master of my fate:<br /> I am the captain of my soul.&quot;<br /> -William Ernest Henley

Time goes by
Nothing happens
Time goes by
Still I'm crying
You were my friend
You were my sister
You were my best friend
And I loved you

Now I don't know what happened

We were together
And we were fine
Now we argue
Our friendship's almost died
You say it's my fault
I don't see how
Nothing happened
And yet it's all going down

Tell me what happened
Because I don't understand
Please, tell me what happened
Because this friendship can't end

Are you my friend?
Are you my sister?
Are you my best friend?
Do I still love you?

The author's comments:
Me and my friend decided to give each other nicknames and her's was Kumquat. Now I'm not sure you can call us friends anymore.

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