In The Shadows | Teen Ink

In The Shadows

February 11, 2012
By DareToBeDaring BRONZE, Suffolk, Virginia
DareToBeDaring BRONZE, Suffolk, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Today you are you that is truer than true, there is no one alive who is youer than you&quot;<br /> -Dr.Seuss

Every breath we breathe has a price
Every word we speak is supervised
Everything we touch isn't really ours
Everything we hear,just sits and cowers
We gripe and we groan about spilled milk
While brave men and women are fighting not against their will
We sleep we eat we laugh we smile
It's these heroes that makes life worthwhile
You don't know anything until you've known war
It takes something away like never before
Something so strong and drenched in ache
We see it in their knowing eyes a sight we can't shake
Their small smiles their not so real laughs
Walking with their shadow since it's the only thing that lasts
Laying belly down not a breath is dared to be heard
Ready to hunt, ready to give the prey what it deserves
The sound of bullets echoing and glued to their ears
Having dreams that ends this bloodshed and shrinks our fears
The sight of our brothers collapsing into the unknown
Knowing there is nothing they can do but to save the life of our own
At that moment that's when it happens
Making everything else gleam in blindness
At that moment that's when they feel it
War taking over, controlling the body like a puppet

The author's comments:
Heroes in suits barely ever get recognized. Normal people in this world doesn't know the true meaning of their job. I don't even know the true meaning, but i do know its a mean and horrible thing

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