repeating circle | Teen Ink

repeating circle

February 15, 2012
By ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is a war

Tell me can you hear my heart breaking each day you do this to me i keep trying lock you out but you find your ways mess with my mind. I try deny these feelings yet no matter what i ened up a point of breaking down just from this. Tell me do you like seeing the pain you cause each and everyday with these games i try ignoring. I tryed locking these feelings away and run away from this circle that keeps repeating it self. Each time i think i'm out you pull me back in any chance of eascape you trap me back in. I wish i could believe those words i once believed now they hard to even believe and only can think "yeah right" Every time you say you love me i can;t believe them even if i wanted try too. Each day it tearing me part and wripping out my heart each time we talk. Can't you hear and see pain that you been causing in my life i may not show it but tears flow like a river when no one watching me. Keep saying your sorry echo it into the moutens so all can hear because i'm going have learn block you out. Let me out of this circle i'm stuck in it tearing me apart as we speak

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