depression at my lowest high | Teen Ink

depression at my lowest high

January 5, 2012
By jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going through hell, keep going.<br /> Winston Churchill

why am i the way i am
some day's I'm at my worst
depression at my lowest high
i sit here and type these words,
and i feel like
i have pushed it down,
but its still
wandering down in there waiting,
to lunge for even the mere smile
that spreads upon my lips,

so i feel like somehow this helps me
i feel like I'm getting stronger
my eyes like faucets turn on the water
they make their old path down the indention's in my face
but what Ive learned so far,
its not the strongest that always overpower
it can be the weakest
but what they have is so much more powerful
because its hope

so in the end i know this helped me,
and for those out there like me
i hope it helped you too
because today i won the fight so why cant you

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