tear drops | Teen Ink

tear drops

January 9, 2012
By Daddii_liL_gurl BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Daddii_liL_gurl BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
2 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it.<br /> I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.<br /> It&rsquo;s not cheating unless you get caught<br /> I think crime pays. The hours are good, you<br /> As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools

The cold stings my face when I turn my head to look at you
I can’t stand to look at you
Even when the winds are high and unclear
Disgust just runs along their faces as I pass
I’m ashamed of whom I am and you don’t see that
You jerked me around like a ragged Ana doll
You call me boo but you force me to be someone unknown.
I want to shut you out but I can’t…get away from me
I just be alone today

You broke my heart when you spun me around
I saw things I should have never seen
My young eyes adjusted to fast and I balm you
But I really balm self for going that far

Jump back to months where it all started when I started
I saw this fine young man who was older than me
I liked him a lot but I got caught up
I long for him to touch me and for those midnight kisses
But did they ever come NO
So I would cheat for that touch and kiss
That’s why I ended up in the place today

You broke my heart when you spun me around
I saw things I should have never seen
My young eyes adjusted to fast and I balm you
But I really balm self for going that far

Now go forward a bit
I wanted more and I got it
I made out boys who I never
Really wanted to be with
I would let them all over me so I could have that touch
And those sweet filled kisses.
(I hate my life I hate my self
For getting caught up in such foal game and mockery
I wish I could go back and erase time
You broke my heart when you spun me around
I saw things I should have never seen
My young eyes adjusted to fast and I balm you
But I really balm self for going that far…

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