Green Balloons | Teen Ink

Green Balloons

November 12, 2011
By TeenyBeanie BRONZE, Farmville, Virginia
TeenyBeanie BRONZE, Farmville, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The bells ring
The dawn of time turns the earth on its axis
A green balloon floats over the horizon
It pops
The pieces of the green balloon fall and hit the dirt
There they grow into enormous trees
That slowly begin to appear over the skyline
They grow till they hit the roof of the sky
and their green needles break off and drift down
into a river where they dissolve into a thick green ooze
that crawls down the mountain and slips through the cracks
and drips into the deepest caves forming scattered castles of stalactites
which fall and shatter into chips of green
like the balloons
which grow into luminescent vines
that grow up
through the rocks
through the dirt
and unto the surface
where they bloom and attract colorful green beetles
that fly off and up through the sky
tinting it green and turning the clouds round
Till they rain green balloons
which fly over the horizon
and pop again.

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