my childhood winter | Teen Ink

my childhood winter

January 5, 2012
By jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going through hell, keep going.<br /> Winston Churchill

the cold caress
of the winter wind
across my face
snow wrapping its blanket
around the earth
the mocking bird
sings a tune
clinging to the snow covered
window pain
the moment of my childhood
can not even be shattered
by the drop of an icicle
how one moment the earth be bare
my childhood amazement
a decade of false hopes
wasted for no sameness
was this what i had
planned for winter?

i looked for the
childhood moments i lost
but where had they gone
winters loveliness has faded away before my very eyes
but i have to smile
when i see a snowflake,
or a blanket of new fallen fluff
or experience all of winter

i arose and that the moment
i realized i too had faded away with winters loveliness
utterly all the new sights and rawness of it gone as was i
i perish before winters eyes
leaving only the shed
of a cold tear
which had soon
turned to a snow flake
so very different
just like my love for winter

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