the wishers and dreamers | Teen Ink

the wishers and dreamers

January 5, 2012
By jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
jlrn1 GOLD, Newcastle, Oklahoma
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you are going through hell, keep going.<br /> Winston Churchill

people wish and dream everyday
we have a desire
for every wish to come true
there are very few like us today
that wish and wish
with everlating hope
if humanity would open up
its heart to the dreamers and wishers
people need to see
its hard to attain so much faith and hope
in wishes and dreams

if you become faltered
you are not a dreamer or a wisher
because we never
lose courage or confidence
but if you embrace your inner child,
wish and dream more often
we wouldnt feel so alone
in this small heart
of the wishers and dreamers

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