New Memories | Teen Ink

New Memories

December 13, 2011
By M1ck3y SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
M1ck3y SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise&rdquo;<br /> -Alden Nowlan

I'm slowing down my pace, for walking towards the future.
I'm trying to stand my ground but life keeps moving on.
I can't stop time.
I can't stop life.
I can't stop walking, but I can try to make the walk last.

I'm walking hand and hand with you with a smile my on face.
I'm so close to you but I feel so far from you.
My hand is slowly slipping away.
My vision of you is fading into a gray haze.

I'm starting to forget you face.
I'm starting to forget your name.
I'm starting to move on.
Then suddenly I'm not holding on to your hand anymore.
I've turned one way, while you turned the other.

You're gone and I don't care.
I'm moving at my own pace trying to comprehend what's going on around me.
Then suddenly a new hand grabs mines, and we begin to walk hand and hand.

I have a new love.
I have the same feeling but for another.
My old memories fade.
While a new one replaces them.
I ask myself.
What the hell has happened?
What the hell is this?
Who is this person?
Why did I love you?
Was I blind?
Why am I crying, while smiling?

I ask these question to myself, when I already know the answer.
I've moved forward, old to new.
The next day is a new one, and that's a day without you.

The author's comments:
Moving on...

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