Once I'm Gone | Teen Ink

Once I'm Gone

December 3, 2011
By HenryH GOLD, Barnwell, South Carolina
HenryH GOLD, Barnwell, South Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The minute I heard my first love story,<br /> I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.<br /> <br /> Lovers don&#039;t finally meet somewhere,<br /> they&#039;re in each other all along.<br /> ~Rumi

Would anyone care
If I died today?
Just gone forever.
Gone away.

Would anyone cry?
No, no one would weep.
If today the Lord
Put me to eternal sleep.

Would the come to the funeral?
Who would come see?
Laugh and walk away?
Or come and bury me?
So when I go
May Lord let me see:
Who was lying,
And who was a real friend to me.

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