You.. | Teen Ink


December 6, 2011
By JurikSnoKaldt BRONZE, Weston, Florida
JurikSnoKaldt BRONZE, Weston, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Do you still believe in all the things that you stood by before?<br /> (That you stood by before)<br /> Are you up and on the front lines<br /> Or at home keeping score?<br /> Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate?<br /> (The bricks that seal your fate)&quot;

Do you believe the things,
that you did before?
Do you still visit,
that corner store?
the one with the frayed state of things?
Do you still check,
that corner wall?
The one covered in,
your old thoughts?
etched in place, but temporary?
That corner wall.
Do you still believe we need this?
Did you ever think we could achieve it?
I can still remember where i’ve seen it,
the lights on your own little Broadway.
I don’t think you’ll believe this.
There, written on the wall,
all the things you thought we saw.
Through it all, it was quite a fall.
Down and down into the deepest well,
quite a fall.
Do you still believe what you did before?
Did you ever need us anymore?
Did you ever see what we had in store?
Can you pick up the pieces from the floor?
The pieces that we broke before.
Do you still believe,
in what you can’t see?
Do you still believe,
in all these things?
Did you ever believe,
in me?

The author's comments:
An old Memory of old friends

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