Do I Stay or Go | Teen Ink

Do I Stay or Go

November 19, 2011
By freedomwriter14 GOLD, Jackson, Missouri
freedomwriter14 GOLD, Jackson, Missouri
19 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Might as well dance a tango to hell, at least you&#039;ll have tangoed at all.&quot; ~Rent<br /> &quot;Once you believe something, that&#039;s when it becomes true.&quot; ~Me

There's a place out there
That I just can't seem to find
There's a place out there it's just not mine.

I'm stuck in a rut
Can't wait to see
The plan that God has for me

I yearn to go but I'm scared to leave
This place I call home
The only one I've ever known

There's more to it
I can't explain
but the thought of me leaving
brings on all the pain

It's bitter sweet the thought of it
to think i'll soon be on my way
but I know it'll hurt to say goodbye
on that sweet and sour day

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