Dangerously Mute | Teen Ink

Dangerously Mute

November 19, 2011
By freedomwriter14 GOLD, Jackson, Missouri
freedomwriter14 GOLD, Jackson, Missouri
19 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Might as well dance a tango to hell, at least you&#039;ll have tangoed at all.&quot; ~Rent<br /> &quot;Once you believe something, that&#039;s when it becomes true.&quot; ~Me

"You have the right
To remain silent
Please consider it"

Well I've done more
Than consider it
I'm totally overexercising it
Dangerously mute
That's what I call it
It's when you have so much
You want to say
So much you want
To tell
So many words building up
Inside of you
But you can't
You're too shy
Too afraid
Of people resenting you
And judging you
Thank God for paper
Thank God for pens
Thank God for the
Your only way out
Your only release
But you're still
Dangerously mute

The author's comments:
I just moved to a new school and I'm still having trouble finding the right things to say...so I don't say anything at all.

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