The School of Life | Teen Ink

The School of Life

November 19, 2011
By freedomwriter14 GOLD, Jackson, Missouri
freedomwriter14 GOLD, Jackson, Missouri
19 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Might as well dance a tango to hell, at least you&#039;ll have tangoed at all.&quot; ~Rent<br /> &quot;Once you believe something, that&#039;s when it becomes true.&quot; ~Me

Life is like school
You learn lessons
You do homework
You get tested
You get multiple choice
True and false
And written answer

Life is like school
Only backwards
You take the test
You learn the lesson
Then you do homework
You're constantly being quizzed
Will you fail it again
Will you make the same mistake twice

Life is strictly about
And consequences
Both good
And bad

If you can handle
This rough and tough
You will be rewarded
If you can't
Oh well
You've been warned

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