Why I write | Teen Ink

Why I write

October 11, 2011
By CourtneyK SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
CourtneyK SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I write to reveal my true inner thoughts that cannot be said easily
but written as if they are pouring out of my soul.
I write because some things are better being left unsaid.
I write to think about what I am saying twice,
To not regret it,
With a slip of words.
I write to be heard,
Sometimes in a better way than actually speaking
My words that I want to be said.
I write to remember, remember the word that filled my brain,
To come back to the writing years later,
And remember what I was feeling.
I write to put my heart on the paper,
To express my true feelings, deeply, & not be scared.
I write to uncover the mysteries that lye deep inside of me,
That I didn’t know were there.
I write, just to write,
The flowing of the ink against the paper,
Making any letter you want, turning letters in to words,
And words into a story, your story.

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