Changes | Teen Ink


October 4, 2011
By CourtneyK SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
CourtneyK SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was born into a world of disappointments.
Childhood of heartaches,
But before then & before the heartaches, I was lucky.

I was a child of no worries,
playing with my little cousins daily
living in the world of pretend
Riding our little red tricycles as cars
From one destination to the next
Trugging Up and down, back and forth on the gravel driveway
Of my aunt and uncle’s old country house, that was a second home.

I was a child of no worries
Camping every sunny summer in the wilting woods,
With my big family
Beneath the pines that blocked the sun.
The cool breeze surrounded us
Smells of pine and campfire,
After the smell of smoke, lingering on the surface of your clothing,
Impossible to cover up.

I was a child of no worries
Gliding, swimming, through the clear crystal waters of the reservation.
Floating on my back glancing up,
The lake surrounded by enormous pines,
Yet the sun creped its way through
The cracks of the tree tops to my skin,
Feeling the warmth all around me.

I was a child of no worries
Decorating our freshly cut Christmas tree
Me and my Dad
Just the two of us
Hoping to surprise my mom when she woke up
On Christmas morning

Now I grow up
I am who I am today, still growing, with worries.
Knowing life isn’t simple
Or only filled with joy but also disappointments.

Now I grow up
Remembering the simple days of all fun
Of memories never forgotten, but put to the side.

Now I grew up
Figuring out life just gets harder
As you get wiser and wiser from all the disappointments
& tests life throws at you.
All coming together for a reason
To make me,
Who I am today.

I am me.

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