When I woke up I had everything. | Teen Ink

When I woke up I had everything.

September 15, 2011
By MadamMae SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
MadamMae SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Never say good-bye because saying good-bye means going away and going away means forgetting.&quot; <br /> - Peter Pan

I flick a match, pour the gasoline and then flee.
I just destroyed everything I have ever known.
The photos of yesterday's past dance in the endless flames.
And who am I left to blame?
Everything is already mapped out in my head.
I've dreamed of this day, mapped out so vividly as my story plays.
I begin with my strut and leave for the ocean.
A ship in which has taken place of my heart sinks.
I'm just left here, laying on the bathroom floor with shower overflowing..
It was only just a dream ..

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