I before E except after C... | Teen Ink

I before E except after C...

September 5, 2011
By ChellBell94 BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
ChellBell94 BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
why try to fit in when you were born to stand out?

I before E except after C...
those words meant so much to me.
that's what my slaveholders wife used to say.
until he made her stop so i couldn't go my own way.
so now i starve to learn a new word.
maybe i cant be something in this world.
thirsty for reading and enlightenment.
needing hope, wandering for excitement.
why would i get treated different than white kids?
the only thing different is the color of my skin.
but i'm no givin up, i'm going to keep on readin.
i found out this country was founded on freedom.
i want to get away this cant be my purpose.
i feel empty poor and worthless.
why must i have so much rage?
these slaveholders keep me in a cage.
threat me like an animal throw me in the dirt.
if only they knew how much it really hurt.
don't pity me one day i shall be wise.
my character will no longer be in disguise.
the heavens will hear my voice will pass.
thank god almighty im free at last!

The author's comments:
this poem is dedicated to Fredrick Douglass. i made it for a school project. and i thought it was really good.

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