one man | Teen Ink

one man

September 5, 2011
By Ilona SILVER, Southampton, Other
Ilona SILVER, Southampton, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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dont cry because its over, smile because its happend

one man walks to battle
a gun held in his hand
he marches on forever
for he's a one man band
his buddies have now left him
to look down from above
no more merriment from them
no friendly push or shove
the war goes on forever
or that's the way it seems
the guns give men a blood lust
which takes them to extremes
the gun he holds is pointless
for no bullets it contains
a gun drives a man to madness
no glory and no fame
a man walks into battle
a gun held in his hand
he marches up to heaven
for he's a one man band

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