Who I am | Teen Ink

Who I am

August 19, 2011
By UnspokenWords2011 BRONZE, Pacific, Washington
UnspokenWords2011 BRONZE, Pacific, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"The women who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The women who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.\" Albert Einstein

Who is this girl who stands before you?
The words she speaks is true,
Having seen the world all too soon.
Take a look at her life,
Just a glimpse.
Her heart holds more lies and secrets than one knows,
Whether they are her friend or foe.
She watched abuse from an early age,
Trying to hold back the rage.
She was homeless for so long,
And now look at where shes gone.
Shes been her own hero,
Never taking no for an answer.
Turning her life around,
She waited for her voice to be found.
Having to fight for whats right,
Holding her ground,
Not once thinking to backing down.
Shes lost many loved,
And seen too many goodbyes.
She remembers the past all too well,
But I will tell you now,
This is not her final farewell.
Only time will tell where she will go,
But I can assure you,
Her hopes and dreams, once ripped at the seams,
Are coming together again.
Do you see this girl standing before you?
The words she speaks is true,
Having seen the world in her eyes renewed.

The author's comments:
When I wrote this poem, I was inspired by my own life. This is all based off of what I have been through, and its a way for others to see that no matter how hard things get in life, don't ever give up. I struggled, and I survived. So can you.

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